
The HEADER record uniquely identifies a PDB entry through the idCode field. This record also provides a classification for the entry. Finally, it contains the date the coordinates were deposited at the PDB.

Record Format  

 1 -  6      Record name    "HEADER"
11 - 50      String(40)     classification    Classifies the molecule(s)
51 - 59      Date           depDate           Deposition date. 
                                              This is the date the coordinates were 
                                              received by the PDB
63 - 66      IDcode         idCode            This identifier is unique within the PDB


The classification string is left-justified and exactly matches one of a collection of strings. See the class list available from the WWW site. In the case of macromolecular complexes, the classification field must present a class for each macromolecule present. Due to the limited length of the classification field, strings must sometimes be abbreviated. In these cases, the full terms are given in KEYWDS.
Classification may be based on function, metabolic role, molecule type, cellular location, etc. In the case of a molecule having a dual function, both may be presented here.

Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control  

The verification program checks that the deposition date is a legitimate date and that the ID code is well-formed.


PDB coordinate entry ID codes do not begin with 0, as this is used to identify the NOC ("no coordinates) files that are bibliographic only, not structural entries. Relationships to Other Record Types


The classification found in HEADER also appears in KEYWDS, unabbreviated and in no strict order.


         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
HEADER    MUSCLE PROTEIN                          02-JUN-93   1MYS