構造解析ことはじめ/03 プログラムのインストール
 * PDB Validation Suiteのインストール &Vine5; [#n9d0d52d]
 PDB Validation Suiteをインストールします。本当に最新か?というぐらい古いですが、ともかく手に入る物をインストールしてみます。~
 ** 展開 [#w1146f06]
  # cd /usr/local
  # tar zxvf validation-v8.061-prod-bin-linux.tar.gz
  # export RCSBROOT=/usr/local/validation-v8.061-prod-bin-linux
  # export PATH=$RCSBROOT/bin:$PATH
  # cd $RCSBROOT/etc
  # ./binary.sh  <-- バイナリデータを作成するようです
 ** セットアップ [#f94d5c33]
  setenv RCSBROOT /usr/local/validation-v8.061-prod-bin-linux
  setenv PATH $RCSBROOT/bin:$PATH
 * 簡単な使い方 [#z97d7314]
  % validation-v8 -f foo.pdb -o 0 -adit
 ** オプション [#k187d9ba]
 |オプション      |説明                                |h
 |-f '''foo.pdb'''|検証するPDBファイル                 |
 |-list           |list_fileって何?                   |
 |-o {012}        |フォーマット(0:PDB,1:NDB,2:mmCIF)   |
 |-adit           |ADIT形式で出力(is_prev_check=2)     |
 |-path '''dir''' |たぶん出力ディレクトリ              |
 |-exchange       |mmCIF用?                           |
 |-public         |mmCIF用?                           |
 |-filename       |FileIDを指定                        |
 |-p              |is_prev_check=1(-aditと共存できない)|
 |-s              |is_separate=1                       |
 |-l              |short_cut=1                         |
 ** 出力ファイル(ドキュメントより引用) [#h875c0c7]
 ** 出力されるファイル(ドキュメントより引用) [#h875c0c7]
 - A. <ID>.letter: a text file that contains a summary validation letter.
 - B. <ID>.ps: a PostScript file that contains molecular graphics of the structure.
 ~For crystal structures, this includes a view of the asymmetric unit 
 and crystal packing.  If the mmCIF file was validated and the biological unit
 of the entry is either larger or smaller than the asymmetric unit, and the
 struct_biol_gen category was appropriately completed in the mmCIF 
 file, then a view of the biological unit(s) will be included. 
 ~For NMR ensemble structures, a view of the first model and the ensemble
 of all models is included.  If the NMR entry contains one model, a view
 of the model will be included.
 ~NUCHECK output: If the structure contains nucleic acids, the <ID>.ps file also
 includes plots describing the geometry, torsion, and base morphology of the
 nucleic acids generated by the program NUCHECK.
 - C. PROCHECK output
 - D. <ID>.html:  This html file is an Atlas summary containing the following:
 ~For all structures:~
 The sequence of the residues in each chain (from entity_poly for a mmCIF file,
 from SEQRES for a PDB file, or from the coordinates if entity_poly or SEQRES 
 are not provided).
 Citation information (if provided).
 Refinement information (if provided).
 ~For crystal structures, additional information is listed:~
 Space group and cell constants.
 Crystallization conditions (if provided).
 Refinement information (if provided).